Animals | The Canadian Encyclopedia

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Displaying 151-165 of 366 results
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    The heron (Ardeidae) family of birds comprises 60 species worldwide, 12 in Canada (including true herons, egrets, night herons and bitterns).

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    Herring, common name for fish of the widely distributed family Clupeidae.

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    Hornet is the common name for wasps in the genus Vespa. They are members of the insect family Vespidae in the order Hymenoptera, which also includes other social wasps like yellowjackets and paper wasps. There are 22 species of hornets worldwide, none of which are native to Canada. However, three introduced species have been found here: the European hornet (Vespa crabro) in southern Ontario and  Quebec, and the Japanese yellow hornet (Vespa simillima) and Asian giant hornet (Vespa mandarinia) in coastal British Columbia. The bald-faced hornet (Dolichovespula maculata) is native to Canada, but is actually a species of yellowjacket.

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    Horse (Equus caballus), herbivorous mammal possessing single toes or hoofs (ie, ungulate), contributing to its speed.

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    Wild Horses

    Wild horses or feral horses (meaning once domesticated animals that have reverted to a wild state) are found primarily in Western Canada. East of Alberta, the only wild horses are the Sable Island horses. Whether wild horses in North America should be referred to as wild or feral is a matter of debate among experts.

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    House Sparrow

    The house sparrow (Passer domesticus) is a small, granivorous and insectivorous songbird with conical bill and chunky body.

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    Humane Societies

    Humane societies are societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals (SPCA). Following a long struggle by Richard Martin, British landowner and parliamentarian, and others to secure legislation against cruelty to children and livestock, the first SPCA was begun in England in 1824.

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    Hummingbird is a common name for New World family Trochilidae, which numbers more than 300 species.

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    Ice-Worm is a common name for Mesenchytraeus solifugus, a dark-pigmented oligochaete worm (see Annelida) up to 4 cm long, found in tangled masses in the melting ice of glaciers in the Pacific Northwest.

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    Insects are small invertebrates (more than 75% of known species are less than 6 mm long) with 3 pairs of legs, 1 or 2 pairs of wings (or lacking wings) and a segmented body.

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    Insect Classification

    A classification system acts as an efficient storage mechanism for information about each taxon or group.

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    Insectivora, order of mammals containing 7 living families: shrews, moles, hedgehogs, tenrecs, otter shrews, golden moles and solenodons.

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    Invertebrates are animals without a vertebral column (backbone). As a group, invertebrates are extremely diverse.

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    Invertebrates: Table

    Invertebrates Phylum Species Habitat Examples Cnidaria 9000 mainly marine sea anemone, hydra, coral, jellyfish Ctenophora 50 marine plankton comb jelly, sea gooseberry Platyhelinthes 12 700 mainly parasitic flatworm, fluke, tapeworm Nemertea 600 mainly marine ribbon worm Acanthocephala 500 parasitic spiny-headed worm Rotifera 1800 marine and fresh water wheel animal Nematoda 10 000 all, many parasitic round worm Brachiopoda 280 marine, benthos & intertidal lampshell Bryozoa 4000 aquatic moss animal Pogonophora 80 deep-sea benthos beard worm...

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    The Jaeger is any of 3 species of rapacious, gull-like seabirds of genus Stercorarius.

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